Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week Two Puppy Update

All seven puppies have their eyes open now. Their ears have not opened yet. That should be occurring within the next week or so. They are beginning to take their first steps on their little sea-legs and while watching them it is both cute and sad. They stumble just like a little infant learning to walk.

They are all gaining weight at a good rate and are still solely on breast milk. We will begin allowing them to lap up puppy formula at about 3 weeks of age.

I have put their little collars on. Perhaps I should say their enormous collars because they are all way too big. It is so much better to get them on now though before the pups realize it. That way they just think it is part of their bodies and they don't fight them by scratching and shaking their heads.

They have all developed a gross behavior though. I only write this because for those of you that are reading it for knowledge on the development of pups it is important for you to know this is normal. Due to the fact that we have 5 boys in this litter it seems there are ample opportunities for the others to latch onto the male parts of the pups as though they are teats. I guess if it sticks out - it's fair game. The male pups don't seem to mind one bit but for us humans we relate this to a sexual act and think it is disgusting. lol

Stay tuned for Week 3 updates.

5/20 We've begun supplemental feedings today since the pups seem so hungry all the time. They've continued to gain weight so I have not been concerned about Maya producing enough milk, but they sure seem like they are starving. It amazes me how quickly they have all taken to eating. They can finish off 8 oz of formula mixed with 1 jar of baby food meat between the 7 of them at each feeding. Currently feeding twice per day in addition to allowing momma to nurse as often as she pleases still.

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