Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week 4 Puppy Update

The puppies are all growing so well and they are at an adorable stage in their development. Eyes and ears opened on schedule. Their teeth are all in on schedule, although they are still reluctant to eat more solid food. I am still feeding them crushed puppy kibble mixed with formula and a jar of baby food meat. As of the morning I will be doing crushed kibble and formula only though. The pups all wag their tails on purpose now and they are playing like little puppies. We hear growls, yowls and little barks. Occasionally a puppy scream too. That usually makes all the adult dogs and the humans come running to make sure all is well. We are taking the puppies outside for short periods of time each day. This allows me time to get their puppy pen freshened up and the puppies are getting more used to the outdoor noises and the feel of grass and concrete under their feet. Oh and it cuts down on the messes and smells inside the house (always a good thing). lol All of the pups have reached or are nearing the 4 lbs mark. Again this is right on schedule. They will start to slow down a little on the weight gain now as most weigh right around 6 lbs at 7 weeks. A little less than a pound a week weight gain is a good mark for their growth. Also momma really slows down on the amount of nursing she allows from this point forward. Those little teeth can hurt her. All the puppies have been wearing their collars from about 2 weeks on so our goals this week will be to start getting them used to a leash. Stay tuned for Week 5 updates.

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