Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week Four Puppy Photo Shoot

The back yard play area - or as you can tell...the sleeping quarters. lol All the adult dogs love to watch over the puppies, especially Auntie Sulli who is very anxiously awaiting her own brood.

The play area in the front yard! Again you will notice quite a few have already pooped out in the fresh air and are sleeping in the shade.

Mowgli being adorable!

Copper - is this ridiculously cute or what?!

Special Delivery - Sydney!

Harley - Picture perfect!

Max - as cute as a button!

Leonidas of Sparta busy checking out his new surroundings.

Chevy busy ducking while thinking to himself... 'Flowers - really? I have an image to protect here!'

Be sure to check out the individual blog entries for each pup to see more adorable photos.

Week 4 Puppy Update

The puppies are all growing so well and they are at an adorable stage in their development. Eyes and ears opened on schedule. Their teeth are all in on schedule, although they are still reluctant to eat more solid food. I am still feeding them crushed puppy kibble mixed with formula and a jar of baby food meat. As of the morning I will be doing crushed kibble and formula only though. The pups all wag their tails on purpose now and they are playing like little puppies. We hear growls, yowls and little barks. Occasionally a puppy scream too. That usually makes all the adult dogs and the humans come running to make sure all is well. We are taking the puppies outside for short periods of time each day. This allows me time to get their puppy pen freshened up and the puppies are getting more used to the outdoor noises and the feel of grass and concrete under their feet. Oh and it cuts down on the messes and smells inside the house (always a good thing). lol All of the pups have reached or are nearing the 4 lbs mark. Again this is right on schedule. They will start to slow down a little on the weight gain now as most weigh right around 6 lbs at 7 weeks. A little less than a pound a week weight gain is a good mark for their growth. Also momma really slows down on the amount of nursing she allows from this point forward. Those little teeth can hurt her. All the puppies have been wearing their collars from about 2 weeks on so our goals this week will be to start getting them used to a leash. Stay tuned for Week 5 updates.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Week Three Puppy Photo Shoot

Our little girl Sydney is quite photogenic, even during the embarrassing first bath scenes. lol

"Heavy" Chevy as we call him...totally relaxing during his bath time.

Our group photo of the "first supper".

Okay, so this was probably about their 5th or 6th time of eating, but I couldn't resist calling it the "first supper".

Harley enjoying his first bubble bath.

Copper thinks there are better things to be doing that getting clean. He says puppies are supposed to be dirty and stinky. lol

Rub a dub dub - Mowgli's in the tub!

Leonidas of Sparta hanging on for dear life!

Max as a bubble head. J/K.

Sunday May 24th, 2009

Week Three Puppy Update:

All of the puppies are doing great. They are walking now with steadier legs. Their eyes and ears are opened. They have had their first baths and are wearing their collars with no trouble. They have begun to go potty and poop on their own without the assistance of Big Momma (Maya) now. They are getting to the potty pads about 75% of the time, but are still having accidents on the rugs a bit too. They are eating formula mixed with baby food meats as a supplement to the nursing from Maya. I am feeding them 2 times per day now with 8 oz of formula and one jar of meat baby food at each feeding to share amongst the 7 of them. They are beginning to have their teeth erupt-canines are coming first.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week Two Puppy Photo Shoot

This is one HOT Dog!

Momma Maya watching over her litter! She certainly seems to be producing enough milk. None of the puppies are suffering from malnutrition that is for sure. lol

Sydney saying "oh no they are going to eat me!"

Week 2 group shot! They no longer all fit in the same bed!

Chevy 5/16

Mowgli just waiting for someone to gobble her up!

Week Two Puppy Update

All seven puppies have their eyes open now. Their ears have not opened yet. That should be occurring within the next week or so. They are beginning to take their first steps on their little sea-legs and while watching them it is both cute and sad. They stumble just like a little infant learning to walk.

They are all gaining weight at a good rate and are still solely on breast milk. We will begin allowing them to lap up puppy formula at about 3 weeks of age.

I have put their little collars on. Perhaps I should say their enormous collars because they are all way too big. It is so much better to get them on now though before the pups realize it. That way they just think it is part of their bodies and they don't fight them by scratching and shaking their heads.

They have all developed a gross behavior though. I only write this because for those of you that are reading it for knowledge on the development of pups it is important for you to know this is normal. Due to the fact that we have 5 boys in this litter it seems there are ample opportunities for the others to latch onto the male parts of the pups as though they are teats. I guess if it sticks out - it's fair game. The male pups don't seem to mind one bit but for us humans we relate this to a sexual act and think it is disgusting. lol

Stay tuned for Week 3 updates.

5/20 We've begun supplemental feedings today since the pups seem so hungry all the time. They've continued to gain weight so I have not been concerned about Maya producing enough milk, but they sure seem like they are starving. It amazes me how quickly they have all taken to eating. They can finish off 8 oz of formula mixed with 1 jar of baby food meat between the 7 of them at each feeding. Currently feeding twice per day in addition to allowing momma to nurse as often as she pleases still.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week One Puppy Photo Shoot

As of 5/13 the puppies are beginning to open their eyes. Only 2 or 3 so far, but they are going to all have them open soon.

Group photo taken 5/11

Sydney, Mowgli, and Copper (All three selected and re-named by new owners already) Photo taken 5-9


MAX AND SPOCK - SOLD photo taken 5-9



Chevy (sold) and Bugs (available) - photo taken 5-9

Auntie Sulli checking on the pups.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sulli's 2009 Pregnancy and Litter

Registered name: Sulli
Nickname: Sulli Monster

Physical Description:

  • Tan/White Beagle (often confused/referred to as a Lemon Beagle)
  • white blaze on face
  • app. 13 inches at withers
  • average weight: 25 lbs


  • Previous owners had never brought this dog indoors, therefore we have had some challenges in helping to socialize her to the noises of a home. She is a little skittish.
  • loves other dogs (especially Tate)
  • does not like cats, walks right past birds in the yard
  • has never been used for hunting, but may have hunted on her own at previous 28 acre living area.
  • loves the outdoors in all weather (except rain)
  • doesn't lick or give kisses
  • has trouble with boundaries - she gets right in your face for attention (training in progress)
  • loves to be cuddled and held like a baby
  • LOVES men - tolerates children of all ages, but mostly stays out of their way
  • barks on occassion, but has never howled to our knowledge
  • great watch dog - poor guard dog
  • picky eater during pregnancies
  • medium energy dog (energy in spurts - then sleeps)
  • kennel trained
  • still working on housebreaking


  • currently registered through the AKC
  • registration pending with the UKC


  • Current on all vaccinations
  • Current on rabies
  • No known health issues that Beagles are prone to (epilepsy, ear infections, etc..)
  • Does have one eye with a slightly weepy duct


Spring 2009 breeding between Sulli and Little Man Tate V.

Sulli began pre-estrus on March 26, 2009. By March 29th Little Man Tate and Sulli began tying. This makes predicting her due date a little difficult because although she allowed ties, I can't imagine that she was actually in estrus yet. (shrug)

Tied March 29, 7:12 p.m.
Tied March 30, 830 a.m. and 653 p.m.
Tied March 31, twice but times not recorded
Tied April 1, twice but times not recorded
Tied April 2, twice but only 905 a.m. recorded
Tied April 3, twice but only 517 p.m. recorded
Tied April 4, twice but times not recorded
Tied April 5, twice but times not recorded
Tied April 6, twice but times not recorded
Tied April 7, twice but times not recorded

By April 8th, we began keeping the two separated. I personally think 22 times should have been sufficient to impregnate her. lol Besides Tate had a new girlfriend arriving on April 10th and we thought he should have a day in between.

Week one of pregnancy (figuring impregnation occurred on April 1st WOOPS - IT LOOKS MORE LIKE IT OCCURRED ON APRIL 6TH OR SO)

No signs of pregnancy. No morning sickness noted. No changes in appetite.

Week two of pregnancy ADJUSTED PER VET VISIT - WEEK ONE:
No signs of pregnancy yet.

Week three of pregnancy ADJUSTED PER VET VISIT - WEEK TWO:
Teats have begun to become slightly more pronounced. I have switched Sulli over to puppy kibble. She is beginning to worry me some as she acts like she is not feeling well. She sleeps more, is a little cranky with other dogs, slow to rise in the mornings, etc...

Week four of pregnancy ADJUSTED PER VET VISIT - WEEK THREE:
Teats becoming larger. Lower abdomen beginning to feel hard when pressed. Sulli is resisting the puppy kibble as if she doesn't like it. She will still eat a hard boiled egg, people food, visiting female's food, etc... but hardly eats any of her food. She does not care if water, chicken broth, cottage cheese, etc is added. She will pick out what she wants and leave food in the bowl. I've begun trying to add supplement vitamins to her meals in the hopes she is getting adequate nutrition. Still has a visible tuck up but seems to be gaining weight now. She has been out of sorts still this week with the sleepiness, crankiness, and not eating. Perhaps because her human daddy has been on a mini vacation and she misses him. Who knows?!
Week five of pregnancy ADJUSTED PER VET VISIT - WEEK FOUR:

Well it is the beginning of week five and we are really starting to tell that Sulli is pregnant. Her little waist is at 20 inches now, she is still not eating too well, but does eventually eat if you leave her food down for her. I've been supplementing her food with vitamins, canned food, warm water, melted cottage cheese, pan drippings, etc... to just try to encourage her to eat more. She is such a little dog anyway that I do not want to starve her or her pups. Stay tuned...

Still in Week 5. Sulli is showing more and more signs that she will be a protective mommy. With Maya's litter here for one week now, Sulli is progressively getting more protective and more curious about Maya's pups. She wants to smell them constantly, check on them, and she barks non-stop when someone is here seeing the pups. If she is this way with Maya's pups, how will she be when her own arrive?

Teats are becoming quite large.

Still in week 5. Sulli's appetite seems to be returning slightly. She still doesn't eat her entire bowl of food when we feed her, but at least she is eating more than she was. I am continuing the vitamins, eggs and cottage cheese. I'm a little concerned about how much water she drinks as I am afraid of birthing a water puppy, but she has always been a big drinker. I may have her thyroid tested after the birth, but the only sign I see is the massive amounts of water she consumes. Everything else seems normal.


5/12 Sulli's waist measures 21.5 inches now. She is really starting to show signs of pregnancy. Her appetite is returning. She is puppy hungry though and is watching over Maya's pups like a hawk. It is actually pretty cute to see their emotions. We believe that she has been quite hormonal lately as her moods and temperament have been going through some rapid cycles. She is sleeping a bit more than usual. Still eating puppy food, vitamins, eggs and cottage cheese.

Still in week 6. May 16 Sulli's waist measures 22.5 inches now. She is really beginning to show. There are no signs of a tuck up anymore at all. Her appetite is good now.

Week 7 of pregnancy ADJUSTED PER VET VISIT - WEEK 6:

5/20 Sulli's waist measures 24.5 inches now. She is showing more and more every day. Still significantly smaller than Maya was at this point, but then she is a smaller Beagle to begin with. We go on Friday to have her x-rayed to determine the number of pups.

5/22 We went to the vet today for x-rays to determine the number of puppies. Due to the many ties that occurred between Sulli and Tate, we were off on the calculations for a due date. It appears that Sulli will not deliver until app. June 7th, therefore it was too soon for the x-rays to show the bones of the pups and a number of puppies in the litter could not be determined. A new appt has been scheduled for June 1st.


5/24 Sulli's waist measures 26.5 inches. She is getting quite large. She is still acting as though none of this is bothering her with the exception of becoming very obsessed by Maya's puppies and she is very protective over them. It's like she wants hers so bad so that she too can care for some. I sure hope this is a good sign that she will be as good of a mommy as Maya.

Due to our miscalculation of the date she conceived, I will be continuing the eggs, cottage cheese, vitamins, and puppy food for another week.

My husband has to assist in taking photos of her tummy because she is just as bad as Maya about not wanting any photos to be taken of her while she feels fat! Silly Dogs!

May 27th - Sulli has slowed down on her eating again. She seems very mellow right now. She is growing larger every day and tonight I noticed she is now having a more difficult time to breathe when at rest. Her puppies have been doing gymnastics in her tummy today. It's so neat to watch them move around. No signs of the mucus plug yet and no signs of milk from her teats. It could still be a week or so before she delivers.

May 30th - Sulli is beginning the process now. She has been losing her mucus plug since May 28th and she has milk that is able to be expressed from her teats. She is still being so quiet about this pregnancy though. Maya is so obviously uncomfortable by this stage, but Sulli seems to be taking this all in stride. I don't know if it is because she has very few pups in there or if they are just different in how they handle pregnancy like humans can be. Sulli's x-rays are planned for Monday morning June 1st, but she may not make it that long. We will just have to wait and see.

6/1 IT'S CONFIRMED - Sulli will be having 6 babies. I looked at the x-ray and could count the little critters myself. I can't imagine that she is having that many as she still seems so small to me in comparison to Maya.

6/4 Pre-labor began at approximately 230 a.m. Sulli became very agitated, restless, and was shaking as though she were cold. I had let her out to go to the bathroom and realized that she had not returned 20 minutes later. I threw on a house coat some shoes and grabbed the flash light to go find her. Sure enough she had went into the den under the tree stump and would not budge. Middle of the night and I am out there laying on the ground trying to crawl far enough into this den to pull her back out. There is no way I was going to allow a delivery in dirt! Once I got her back into the whelping area, she wanted me close to her so I managed to get a big whopping 1 hour of sleep that night.

6/5 I kept thinking she would have the pups during the day today, but all day long things just kept remaining the same. Trembling, not eating, etc... Her temperature dropped to 98.0 degrees in the morning so we knew that the pups would be arriving soon. I am convinced that Sulli was holding off on the delivery so that her favorite human could be with her. (my husband)
I have taken Sulli outside on a leash all day due to the fact that she wants into the den under the tree stump so bad. I won't even take her into the dog run right now but even in the main yard she goes to the fence and whines to get into the den. Silly dogs, don't they realize how nice it is in their clean, sanitized whelping boxes? lol

After my husband arrived home and things settled down for the night, Sulli finally began to have her litter.

Pup 1: 10:14 p.m. Boy weight 9.6 oz (Mike Wazowski - aka Mikee)
Pup 2: 10:42 p.m. Girl weight 9.2 oz (Celia Mae)
Pup 3: 11:12 p.m. Girl weight 9.1 oz (Boo)
Pup 4: 11:36 p.m. Boy weight 8.4 oz (James P Sullivan - aka Sully)
Pup 5: 12:06 a.m. Boy weight 10.5 oz (Randall Boggs - aka Boggs)
Pup 6: 1:03 a.m. Girl weight 9.7 oz (Roz)

Sulli's delivery went picture perfect. She took care of every aspect of the delivery. It was the cleanest delivery I have been at as well. Very little fluid or blood to speak of.

I was quite shocked to realize that although we had purchased Sulli (tan/white) so that we could have multi-colored pups - every single one of the pups in this litter came out tri-colored. That was a little disappointing, but I am sure they will be adorable nonetheless.

Harley @ 5 weeks.

Harley @ 4 weeks. I can't believe they cooperated so well and sat still.

What a handsome boy. Harley @ 4 weeks.


Introducing Male #5: Puddles. Puddles was born on May 1st, 2009 @ 2:58 p.m.

SOLD - new name will be Harley

Physical Description: Puddles has a white blaze on face. He has a full white collar around the neck with a jutting peak towards head and a jutting peak towards body. The right rear leg is dark down most of the back of the leg with white on the front of the leg and a little white sock at the bottom.

Day 1: weight 9.0
Day 2: weight 10.1
Day 3: weight 11.2
Day 4: weight 13.4
Day 5: weight 15.2
Day 6: weight 1 lb 1.4 oz
Day 7: weight 1 lb 2.2 oz
Day 8: weight 1 lb 4.2 oz Technically one week old today 5/8
Day 9: weight 1 lb 5.1 oz
Day 10: weight 1 lb 6.4 oz
Day 11: weight 1 lb 7.5 oz All of the pups are beginning to lift their bellies off the ground to move. They stumble a bit, but they are learning to take their first real steps. All pups had their nails clipped today too.
Day 12: weight 1 lb 8.9 oz
Day 13: weight 1 lb 10.2 oz
Day 14: weight 1 lb 10.9 oz mustn't have been very hungry the last 24 hours.

Day 16: 1 lb 15.3 oz Weighing will occur every 2 or 3 days at this point.
Day 20: 2 lbs 3.2 oz
Day 24: 2 lbs 10.5 oz. I think the supplemental feedings are beefing this boy up!
Day 27: 3 lbs 3.2 oz
Day 30: 3 lbs 9.5 oz

6/5: 5 weeks of age weight @ 4 lbs 3.0 oz

Day 4 photoDay 5 photo

Chevy on left - Puddles on right 5/11/09

Spock at 2 weeks of age.

Copper @ 5 weeks.

Copper @ 4 weeks.

Wow...he is one gorgeous Beagle. Check out all of his spots. He has quite a bit of the red ticking on his legs and a fair amount of the blue ticking on his belly. He's such a doll. Copper @ 4 weeks.


Introducing Male #4: Lightning. Lightning was born on May 1st, 2009 @ 2:07 p.m.

SOLD - May 4th. His new name will be Copper.

Physical Description: Copper has a large with blaze with a top that looks similar to a heart shape. His little nose is already turning brown. He has a large white marking (looks similar to a cat's body & tail) on his nape with the white descending down the right side of his neck. His right rear leg is dark down the majority of the leg with a little white sock.

Day 1: weight 11.1
Day 2: weight 12.0
Day 3: weight 13.5
Day 4: weight 15.7
Day 5: weight 1 lb 1.7 oz
Day 6: weight (woops-forgot to weigh)
Day 7: weight 1 lb 5.2 oz
Day 8: weight 1 lb 6.8 oz technically 1 week old today 5/8
Day 9: weight 1 lb 7.9 oz
Day 10: weight 1 lb 9.1 oz
Day 11: weight 1 lb 10.8 oz All of the pups are beginning to lift their bellies off the ground to move. They stumble a bit, but they are learning to take their first real steps. All pups had their nails clipped today too.
Day 12: weight 1 lb 12.7 oz
Day 13: weight 1 lb 14.3 oz
Day 14: weight 1 lb 15.0 oz not very hungry over the last 24 hours I guess.

Day 16:
weight 2 lbs 2.7 oz (just made up for Day 14 lol)
Day 20: weight 2 lbs 8.2 oz
Day 24: weight 2 lbs 15.5 oz
Day 27: weight 3 lbs 9.0 oz
Day 30: weight 4 lbs 0.6 oz

6/5 5 weeks weight @ 4 lbs 9.3 oz

Day 4-day of SaleDay 4-day of sale

Stick em up! 5/10

I told you to back away and leave me alone. I'm trying to nap here. Photo taken 5/11.

Copper with his eyes open. 5/16

Sleeping - what he does best! 5/16
