Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sulli's Week Four Puppy Update

Time is going by quickly. Our little ones are now four weeks old. They are all doing great, but they look so tiny to me. There is no doubt in my mind that this batch will have all smaller Beagles in it. We may have one larger one, but for the most part they all seem as though they will stay around 13" size as adults.

Feeding: They are still nursing and are enjoying two meals of ground puppy kibble mixed with formula. They all seem to like it and eat with good appetites.

Potty training: We are seeing fewer accidents off the potty pads in the puppy pen. That is always a good sign.

Eyes and ears open. Teeth have come in - OUCH!

We've only taken a couple of them outside on the grass so far, but we will begin doing that more now that they can maintain their own body temperatures better.

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