Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sulli's Week Four Puppy Update

Time is going by quickly. Our little ones are now four weeks old. They are all doing great, but they look so tiny to me. There is no doubt in my mind that this batch will have all smaller Beagles in it. We may have one larger one, but for the most part they all seem as though they will stay around 13" size as adults.

Feeding: They are still nursing and are enjoying two meals of ground puppy kibble mixed with formula. They all seem to like it and eat with good appetites.

Potty training: We are seeing fewer accidents off the potty pads in the puppy pen. That is always a good sign.

Eyes and ears open. Teeth have come in - OUCH!

We've only taken a couple of them outside on the grass so far, but we will begin doing that more now that they can maintain their own body temperatures better.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sulli Week Three Puppy Update

Three weeks old today. Wow time flies.

All of the puppies are growing so fast. They are walking (stumbling still) and starting to play with each other a little. They seem to eat ALL the time. lol They are still fairly quiet and although they are able to eliminate without mom's help now, I still haven't found any to clean up yet. Sulli must be fast. We have begun to place collars on the pups. So far only 3 have collars, but by tonight all 6 will.

Eyes: open

Ears: open

Up on all fours: walking, but they still stumble quite a bit

Feeding: Mom is still nursing, but we have begun 2 feedings per day of formula to help start the weaning process

PHOTO SHOOT will occur today and photos will be uploaded this weekend.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sulli's Week Two Puppy update

All puppies now have their eyes open. They are still being cared for solely by their mommy. Sulli is very protective of the pups when it comes to new people or to Maya, but she will allow Tate to come in and see his children any time he wants. I'm sure she is just trying to soften him up for child support. lol

Grooming: Nails have been clipped once so far.

Feeding: sole nourishment is still breast milk from momma

Sulli is still being fed puppy kibble, but we have begun to mix some adult food back into it so she can transition back to it in a few more weeks. Her appetite is enormous right now and her teats are beginning to look more like Maya's. They are full and saggy all the time now.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Maya's Litter - 6 week puppy update

On June 12th, our litter of seven went to see Doc Karma for their more thorough health check up and their puppy shots. All seven check out perfectly and their weights were ranging from 4 lbs 5 oz (Mowgli) to 6 lbs 1 oz (Heavy Chevy). All seven pups behaved very well and were the hit of the waiting room. They were all being handled by everyone and loving every minute of it. Only one pup made any fuss at all when the shots were administered (Harley) and it was just a very quiet little "ouch". Our two big boys already have their little manly parts. Max has one that has dropped and Leo and Harley are still awaiting the arrival of their little dangly things. lol

Eyes: All pups seem to have their dark brown eyes already with the exception of Leonidas. He has the most gorgeous green eyes right now. I will be curious to see if they change in time.

Food: Eating dry kibble and drinking fresh water at will right now.

Leash training - we are still working with the pups to get them used to a leash.

Potty training - we are taking the pups outside upon waking from night or naps. They all seem to do their thing fairly quick. We are still using potty pads inside and we still have the occasional accident on the rugs.

Kennel training - we are placing the pups in their kennels at least once daily. We usually hear crying for about 15 minutes and then they give up and fall asleep.

Sulli's Week One Puppy Update

Well our new batch of six are thriving. They are all gaining weight well and momma is doing a fantastic job with them. She is quite protective still, but she is lightening up and leaving them a little each day.

I am blown away by how much brown/tan is showing on this litter of pups. I am beginning to wonder if they are Classic Tri-colors or not. I am thinking we may have some chocolates, lilacs, blues...who knows. Only time will tell.

Eyes - still closed
Ears - still closed
Removal of dewclaws (front/back) occurred on June 12th, 2009.
Feeding - nursing at will

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

SHELBY @ 4 weeks

SHELBY @ 3 weeks


SHELBY - Two weeks of age

Look mommy & daddy - I can see you now!

Shelby - 10 days old

Shelby 1 week old

Introducing Roz. Born at 1:03 a.m. on 6/6. She weighed in at 9.7 oz.

SOLD - new name will be SHELBY

D2 - weight 10.7
D3 - weight 12.0
D4 - weight 13.9
D5 - weight 1 lb .3 oz
D6 - weight 1 lb 1.0 oz
D7 - weight 1 lb 4.5 oz
D8 - weight 1 lb 5.6 oz
D9 - weight 1 lb 7.5 oz
D10 - weight 1 lb 8.6 oz
D11 - weight 1 lb 10.3 oz
D12 - weight 1 lb 12.1 oz Her eyes are open now.
D13 - weight 1 lb 12.3 oz She's worried because her mommy thinks she is fat! lol
D14 - weight 1 lb 13.8 oz
D15 - weight 2 lbs even
D16 - weight 2 lbs 2.0 oz
D20 - weight 2 lbs 8.3 oz

7/5 - weight 3 lbs 6.8 oz (1 month old)

BOGGS @ 4 weeks

BOGGS @ 3 weeks

BOGGS - June 24

BOGGS - June 24th

BOGGS at 2 weeks of age - he likes showing off his spot on his rump.

Eyes have opened. Two weeks old.

Boggs - 10 days old

Boggs - 1 week

Introducing Randall Boggs aka Boggs. Born @ 12:06 a.m. 6/6. Weighed in at 10.5 oz. He was the largest at birth.

D2 - weight 11.4 oz
D3 - weight 13.6 oz
D4 - weight 15.1 oz
D5 - weight 1 lb 0.4 oz
D6 - weight 1 lb 2.1 oz
D7 - weight 1 lb 4.3 oz
D8 - weight 1 lb 5.3 oz
D9 - weight 1 lb 7.0 oz
D10 - weight 1 lb 8.2 oz
D11 - weight 1 lb 10.4 oz
D12 - weight 1 lb 13.0 oz
D13 - weight 1 lb 15.0 oz Eyes are open now!
D14 - weight 2 lbs 1.7 oz
D15 - weight 2 lbs 2.6 oz
D16 - weight 2 lbs 4.1 oz
D20 - weight 2 lbs 11.9 oz

7/5 - weight 3 lbs 11.1 oz (1 month old)